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What should your forex strategy include?

What should your forex strategy include?


A trading strategy can be simple or complex… depending on how you want it to be. But most important of all, its fundamental that you do actually have a plan – and follow it.

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What are Pips and Lots?

What are Pips and Lots?


A pip is the smallest possible change in the value of a currency pair. If, for example, the EUR / USD pair is moving from 1.3150 to 1.3151, that is 1 PIP. A pip is also the last decimal of the quote.

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What is risk management in Forex?

What is risk management in Forex?


There is a phrase that says: "The higher the risk, the higher the profit", and that especially applies to Forex...

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How much does a Forex trader REALLY earn on average?

How much does a Forex trader REALLY earn on average?


We've all heard stories of that one single kid from a lower-class family who started trading and made millions in the nick of time. These stories are heart-warming and inspirational, but...

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The Impact of Volatility on the Forex Market

The Impact of Volatility on the Forex Market


It is no secret that the Forex market is one of the most volatile spaces to invest, due to its liquidity of more than 5 trillion dollars a day. However...

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The History & Essentials of Forex Trading

The History & Essentials of Forex Trading


Forex, FX or foreign exchange… sometimes currency trading - are the best known names which can generally be summarized as an online theory of relative estimates of economic rates...

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